We create empowered & relaxed spaces removing the risk found in Neurotypical situations.

Ritual and Magic

This page is filled with rituals and wellbeing tips for ND artists, ND students and those who need guidance and ritual throughout their daily life.

Snow Moon

What better way to welcome the next full moon than with a series of paintings by Ashley Ferrari

The next full Moon will be the “Snow Moon” on February 16, 2022. The Moon will appear full for 3 days.

“Veil” - Ashley Ferrari

The Snow Moon signals the peak of winter, the snowiest month, particularly for the United States. Here in the Uk, we can expect some snowfall, but it is our skies that are graced with a white colour. Sometimes, it appears as if the sky isn’t quite sure whether to breathe out and let go of snowfall - but when it does - we are sure to experience a moment of delight as our feet crunch in the thick of it laid deep on the ground.

We have chosen neurodivergent artist Ashley’s sublime artwork to honour the upcoming Snow Moon because of the way she captures the moon’s light without ever needing to force its circle - we need not see that it is full, and bright, and in front of us. It is the sky already, timid behind the clouds that privileges us with her, Snow Moon’s presence.

We ask that you spend a moment with Ashley’s paintings.

A quiet basking

A quiet moment with her moonlight.

For the Snow Moon honours winter, and traps our energy before the next full moon. For it is telling us to save it, for the gentle unfurling that is yet to come with buds that will soon be opening during Spring.

So be gentle with yourselves, be calm and quietly dream.

If we are feeling a little unsteady on our feet, a little more tired, Snow Moon is asking us to pause a little more, to sleep a little longer, to remember that it is wonderful to be here, being here, noticing.

Misty Moons - Ashley Ferrari

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