We create empowered & relaxed spaces removing the risk found in Neurotypical situations.

Ritual and Magic

This page is filled with rituals and wellbeing tips for ND artists, ND students and those who need guidance and ritual throughout their daily life.

WAKE THE GODDESS! An Imbolc Bath spell // Gemma Abbott

An offering to all Magical Women artists from our headline act, Gemma Abbott, part of Magical Women’s Imbolc Festival

Best taken under the new moon (11th Feb at 19:06 UTC) or thereafter under the waxing moon



1⁄2 Pint Whole Milk (Oat milk is a suitable non dairy substitute) Three handfuls of dried rose petals
9 drops of lavender oil
& if desired

Dried or Fresh Laver
Plenty of good warm water

Keep a candle alight while bathing.
Imagine all the worries and hurt that you wish to put behind you washing away. Visualise the milky power and potential of the new moon being absorbed into your body through your skin.
Take some time to name your desires for the future, focusing on each one with loving thoughts.
Imagine spring as a powerful goddess. You find her curled up asleep on a bed of moss and gently go to wake her. However she looks notice that she has your eyes. Stay in until your fingers are wrinkled.
Take a moment at the window before you dry yourself to feel the air on your skin.

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