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Ritual and Magic

This page is filled with rituals and wellbeing tips for ND artists, ND students and those who need guidance and ritual throughout their daily life.

Rituals for: Touch when you’re autistic

Elinor Rowlands writes about rituals for your senses when you’re autistic (or if you experience heightened sensitivity.)

In the first of the series we’ll be beginning with Touch.


The sensation of shower spray, the cold squirt of deodorant, hairdressers scissors and hairbrush, the prickle of trimmed hair, or the bristle of toothbrush on our teeth and gums - all of this can make maintaining hygiene that little bit more tougher because they cause significant discomfort. In this first part in the series of rituals for your senses, I shall be introducing you to rituals for touch that includes washing, keeping your skin and hair soft, healthy and cleansed.

Routines and Rituals for Touch

Washing Hands

Washing hands can be harder than you think when you’re autistic. This doesn’t apply to everyone - we are all different. But keeping clean can be surprisingly uncomfortable for many of us out there. This is why I have created this series for those of us who struggle.


When washing hands, put the soap on your wrists first before you put it on the palms of your hands. Rub the soap from your wrists down your hands to your fingertips.

Then add some soap onto your fingertips and wash your hands from your fingers and close both hands to wash them together. Rub your hands together. Smooth your hands over the other up and down. Then release under the water.

Visualisation: Smoothing colours around your hands


Visualise a colour when you are washing your hands to smother your hands with, this colour can be particularly healing and helps your whole being to feel more energetic.

A wonderful ritual includes smoothing hand cream into your hands after you have washed them.

Visualise that the cream is a colour and that you are smoothing this colour all over your body. Feel this colour seep into your skin and make you feel cleansed and revived.


Have a visual routine that covers cleanliness throughout the day:


Say out loud: “B-T; T-A-S; P-O-C-C”

Saying it out loud like a chant can really support your practice of carrying out this ritual as a routine.

B-T = Brush teeth. - “Bee Tee”

T-A-S = take a shower. “Tass”

P-O-C-C = put on clean clothes. “Pock!”

Bee Tee Tass Pock!

Brush Teeth! Take a Shower! Put On Clean Clothes


Before you put your clothes on - deodorant:


Roll-on deodorants are less of a shock to the skin than sprays. But I have my favourite deodorant and that’s Weleda Rose Deodorant, it is gentle and doesn’t drip, it might sound a bit expensive but it lasts ages…. up to 6 months or more!


If the feel of the shower is too uncomfortable then try to take baths rather than showers.

  1. Keep temperature changes to a minimum.

  2. Keep the temperature of the room and the temperature of the water even.

  3. Warm the towels up so that it can be comforting when you’re out of the bath.

Bath Rituals

If anxiety and stress is making you particularly overwhelmed then creating your own Bath Salts for your Bath Rituals are super wonderful, calming and self-soothing. 

Finding out your favourite smells are important, so if you are not sure, cut a lemon in half, smell a floral perfume or a woody one. Open your herb and tea drawer. Have a smell, rediscover your sense of smell.


To change smells, sniff some coffee, or open a window and breathe fresh air so your nose is able to breathe in the new smell.

When you have decided which smells you prefer:





Sweet or Minty, then we can begin creating your Bath Salts.

I have written an entire blog on Bath Rituals but I am going to introduce you to one bath ritual you can do here:

This Bag of Roses Bath Ritual only needs roses, peonies and lavender aromatherapy oils. You are welcome to choose fruitier, sweeter or more fragrant essential oils if these are your favourite smells, they will make you feel warmer, more loved and soothed. Add to hot water in the bath and I highly recommend adding either Magnesium Salts or you can use grey Celtic Salt to the bath.


Why use salt?

Bath salts will clear our toxins from your body, drawing out impurities and will really clean your body and skin leaving it very very soft. Salt is one of the most natural and widely available healing minerals that you can use for brushing your teeth, attending to wounds and looking after your skin.

If you would prefer not to use salt then simply use oils only.

Attention: An essential Oil Bath will make you sleepy and more relaxed so pay attention to how you feel after the bath. You may want or need a nap. 

Click here to discover more about Bath Rituals


Massages can be incredibly soothing for the neck, shoulders, feet and hands. Try self-massaging cream or oils into your neck, shoulders, feet and hands for self-comfort during a stressful time.

Discover more about what aromatherapy oils are good for and why here (coming soon)



1) Use a 2 in 1 shampoo and conditioner or one that is as natural as possible.

2) Use a clay mask for your scalp. This reduces flaky skin and is soothing for your hair.


3) Try and brush your hair every day. If you get knots, smooth it down with some oil or leave in conditioner. I especially love to put coconut oil in my hair or jojoba oil in my hair.

Make your own here (I love to get my essential oils and carrier oils from Naturally Thinking)

Ingredients for the best detangle conditioner ever:

5ml jojoba oil

45ml water (filter it if you can, but tap is fine)

40ml rose water

10 drops essential oil

100ml container

Small spray bottle

Mix the water and rosewater in a 100ml glass spray bottle, and then add the jojoba and essential oils. Store out of direct sunlight and shake well before you spray on your hair. Spray from roots down to tips (about 3 sprays) - try not to overspray but enough for you to shine like sunshine!

During Covid19 Lockdown:

Wash your hands every time you arrive home from being outside or if you’re sharing a house with other people, try to be mindful of touching surfaces and of your face, mouth or eyes.

Use beautiful smelling creams, use aromatherapy and use strategies that nurture you.

Other ways to use touch:

Grow things

Water plants

Arrange flowers




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