We create empowered & relaxed spaces removing the risk found in Neurotypical situations.
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Into the Woods

Into the Woods features commissioned writing and art by Magical Women about nature, the forest, flora and fauna.

Commissioned artists are Neurodivergent and Disabled artists.

We invite you to wander into the woods with us.

Approx 89% of our artists are ND female artists and we leave 11% to commission Disabled and Survivor In Solidarity artists.

Festival For Imbolc: Jessie Currie

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Welcome to a Special Screening of Jessie Currie’s film: Introverse

The Grand Unveiling of her film will happen on

Saturday 6th February at 6:00PM

We will be publishing an audio describe video of Jessie’s film next week! Watch this space!


Who is Jessie Currie?


Jessie Currie is a Bristol based filmmaker who will be showcasing her film Introverse for our Festival for Imbolc. The film was funded by the BFI and she is currently working on a bigger project also BFI funded. All her films are navigated by her ND lens.

Imbolc is a festival of light, of the lengthening days. We celebrate the end of the winter, stretch out of hibernation and seek to make connections with the world outside our doors. Here Jessie explores both that search for growth and connection outside of our bodies but also the divine curiosity and connection to things that the ND experience so often brings with it but is so difficult to articulate.

Looking inwards and reaching out at the same time. In all its sensory nuance and with an inherently nurturing voice the film is an offering in itself. To the quest for growth and also to the family she so clearly adores.

‘Introverse‘ is One of eight films made on the Different Voices 2 Project. A neurodiverse* (as described by the production company) film talent development programme. The project is a biggerhouse film production for 104 films supported by Creative Skillset’s Film Skills Fund, with BFI’s Film Forever National Lottery fund in association with the Arnolfini.

Quotes from Currie’s film:

"Sometimes the peopled world at large can be a harsh place. And other people's normal, the opposite of safe. It means declining parties because the noise invades your ears and you can’t guarantee that moment of connection”

"Are you OK? Would you like to come out into a warm car and take some pictures of the sunset?"

Sign our Guestbook!

If you’d like to sign our guestbook, we send all our artists messages you write about their work! Thank you for supporting our platformed artists!

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Buy Me A Coffee

For the price of a coffee you can support us to platform Neurodivergent women artists!

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