We create empowered & relaxed spaces removing the risk found in Neurotypical situations.


Magical Women customers can use our link to receive a discount on an Earthing Sheet.

"Probably The Most Important Health Discovery Ever" - Clint Ober

As explained in the Film below, Mother Earth is endowed with electrons, and these electrons are readily absorbed through our skin every time we come into contact with the Earth's surface. 

Why Sleep Grounded?

Many are unaware that the Earth’s surface is covered by a blanket of electrons, which act as one of nature’s most powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatories. Every time we come into contact with the Earth’s surface, we are able to absorb these electrons through our skin through a process called grounding, or Earthing.

Grounding during sleep provides the body with multiple hours of these free electrons, at a time where the body undergoes the most healing and regeneration. 

Sleeping grounded has also been shown to regulate the body’s natural circadian rhythm, otherwise known as the sleep-wake cycle, leading to numerous potential health benefits, including; improved sleep quality, deeper more restorative sleep, finding it easier to fall asleep, greater clarity upon waking, insomnia relief and more. 

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Magical Women customers can use our link to receive a discount on an Earthing Sheet.